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Catuogno Court Reporting Services
10 Commercial Wharf West, 5th Floor
Boston MA, 02110-3708

Tel: 888-228-8646
Fax: 888-228-8646



Description: Spacious conference rooms, Photocopy and fax machines, Data lines for your modem, Speaker phones, Sten-Tel Transcription Service, Video Conference between Springfield, Boston & Worcester locations - Attached to national video conference network. Depositions, trials, arbitrations, Board meetings and special hearings, Videotaping and playback, Timestamping of transcripts, exhibit and blueprint copying, Daily copy/expedited service, Interactive realtime, Same-day diskette, Condensed transcripts, Keyword indexes, ASCII diskettes, e-mail service, e-transcripts with security access codes, New! Global keyword indexes to link all depositions in one case.

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